Hello :) I am Amalina, currently sixteen i'm stay kl setiawangsa,

formspiring here

anyl amalina

Hmmmmmmmmm :(

Hmmm aku tk sgka dia buat kt aku mcm ni. aku dh 9bulan dgn dia, tapi at last ni blasan yg aku dpt. aku dh fade up dgn lelaki skrg :'( aku raseee mcm dh mls nk cpl lagi, sumpah aku sakithati dgn dia :'( timee break boleh lagi keluar dgn betina lain :'( dia mcm tk ckup betina... time cpl pon dia keluar dgn betina yg samaaa. that why la aku selalu mintk break. dia tk fkr aku mintk break sbb ape. dia tahu ckp tk syg dia la ape la. dia tk prnah fkr prsaan aku skrg ni bila tgk dia keluar dgn betina lain siapp pegangg semua. TAKPELAH UNTUNG LAH, ada SUKA DIA. aku straight je ckp ni. .sumpah aku sayangg dia gila gila do! haa Aku tk prnah cpl lame smpai mcm ni, -,- compolollohhhhhh compolilote grrr, sumpahh ah aku dh mula benci dkt dia skrg. KATE KERJA DEKAT KEDAI AYAHHH, TAHU-2 , HAA AMEK KAU, KEDAI DIA DEKAT SUNWAY KOT. fuhyoooooo. smlm aku sajee nk kenakan orangg yg aku dh tak ada, dalam contact aku tu, smua risaukan and semua call aku. tapi ada 1 numborr yg tk call aku. nk tahu siapa? DIA AH. mana ada call aku lgsung. smua org risaukan aku. dia kat sana? perghhhhhh bukan main lagi -,- Knp dia mst mcm ni? kata setia? setia kau dkt aku mana? kata syg? syg kau dkt aku mana? mana janji kau? mana bukti kau yg kau syg aku? TUNJUK SIKET -,- takpe takpe. mungkin ni ujian dari allah. tapi knp seteruk mcm ni aku dpt doh? Sumpah doh aku sayanggg kauu gila :'( AKU HARAP KAU HAPPY DENGAN prmpuan tu -,- Kbai


Apa-2 pon aku tetap sayanggg dia wehh, sayang aku
dekat dia tk akan pernah berubah smpai
bila-2 !!!!!

Youuu, knp you buat i macam ni? i dh byk bersabar dengan you =(
you cakap i penipu, tapi u yg tipu i, i sabar =(
it is hurting me, aww =( damn youu, even you cakap i mcm tu
i can accept you again, and one more change. but you? hmm if
you don't, just tell me sayang =( jgn buat i mcm ni! tolonggg =(
hati sakit sangat =( tolong laa back to my life. i hope so. whatever matter happens.
im still love you till die=(
i tak tahan dgn baran you dkt i =( i rase macam i ni =( arghhhh
=( i sayangg you do ;( sumpah i sayang youu, i tak pernah game laki =(
i tak ada maksud pon nk mainkan perasaan you ke apa =(
i just nk kita semualaa. tu je you =( but its okay you =( i know who i am.
girl that always a problem kannn =( Im brokenn you ;(
I can’t breathe,i want to but no air comes out,i want to speak but no words come out
Why do i feel... hurt? =( i feel betrayed, i feel like love has forgotten me. Like God only help those who have love. My heart hurts.My heart feels like a thousand needles went through my chest and now it’s bleeding slowly for me to die, i look back and i see that i changed who i was. i thought i needed to be something different. =( Something that you would be proud of. I’m not going to lie to myself and say it is entirely your fault. Because that wouldn’t be true. i changed willingly over time. i thought i had to change who i was. i thought in doing so that it would bring you closer to me. =( you ever ask yourself why i hugged you so much? Why the affection? Did you believe that i did it just for attention? Or to be playful? if you means like that. it is i am broken ): Now i know. My heart is broken. :( But i can’t let you know that. Nor can i let you go. At random parts of the day i start shaking From the tears…that you left me.To let my broken =(